Curriculum Overview
Sitka School District is committed to offering high quality, consistent services to the students and staff of our schools.
Our Focus: Support for the core instructional program offered to all students in the Sitka School District through the provision of instructional materials, professional development, parent involvement, and school library maintenance and expansion.
Alaska Department of Education & Early Development's Parent Resource Guide: [link]
Areas of Responsibility:
To provide an instructional program that enables all students to reach high levels of achievement and acquire the knowledge, skills, and values needed to become responsible members of a democratic society
Support the implementation of the core curriculum in language arts, mathematics, English language development, science, social studies, and physical education
Provide guidance in the use of universal access and differentiated instruction to provide access to the core curriculum for all students
Coordinate the opportunity for teachers to receive training in language arts and mathematics and other district-wide areas of focus
Provide professional development support directly to sites via a consultation model
Provide ongoing opportunities for meaningful parent and community involvement through facilitation of parent education classes, volunteerism, participation in district and school events, and community partnerships