Alaska Learns
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development's support for distance and remote teaching and learning.
Alaska Statewide Virtual School
The Alaska Department of Education and Early Development has partnered with Florida Virtual School Global and is offering virtual courses at no cost to families during the time of the COVID-19 remote learning and during the summer of 2020.
Audible Stories
Free streaming stories available by Audible.
Digital Promise's Online Learning Resources
A library of online learning resources that can be filtered by type, grade, and subject.
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
A compilation of remote learning resources for families that is organized by grade bands.
Learning Keeps Going
Best practices in online learning, free tools during school closures, ideas and tips for families, and webinars to help answer questions compiled by the leading organizations supporting digital learning - International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE], Consortium for School Networking [CoSN], State Ed Tech Directors Association [SETDA], Digital Promise, and Education Week.
Scholastic Learn at Home
Day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing.
Special Education FAQs
The Alaska Department of Educational and Early Development shares an FAQ for families with students who qualify for special education services.
United Way of SE Alaska
A wide variety of educational tools and resources for families.