Federal Programs
Federal Programs
The Elementary and Secondary Education Acts, reauthorized in 2015 at the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), provides funding for States to distribute to school districts for specific educational purposes.
Questions regarding Federal Programs may be directed to Federal Programs Manager Chris Voron at 907-966-1764.
Title I, Part A
The purpose of Title I, Part A is to support students who are most at risk of failing to achieve proficiency on challenging state and local standards. The Title I, Part A program provides reading intervention at grades K-8, and credit recovery and supplemental instructional resources in grades 9-12. Xóots Elementary School, Kéet Gooshí Héen Elementary School, Blatchley Middle School, and Pacific High School are Title I Schools.
Migrant Education- Title I, Part C
SSD operates a Migrant Education Program that provides supplemental support for migrant eligible students and their families. In Sitka, the migrant program typically serves families who fish commercially or for subsistence. To learn more about eligibility, contact the Migrant Recruiter, Barbara Jones, at 907-747-0525. To learn more about available services, contact your school's principal.
Title II, Part A
The purpose of Title II, Part A is to support schools' efforts to increase student academic achievement by improving teacher quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers and administrators in schools. Title IIA funds are used for classroom size reduction in grades K-3.
English Learner Education- Title III
SSD's English Learner program provides assessment and instructional services to students who are learning the English Language. Although Sitka is not eligible for regular Title III funding, SSD was awarded a competitive Title II grant in FY19 to provide additional services to new immigrants in school.
Title IV-A
The purpose of Title IV-A is to provide students with a well-rounded education, support safe and healthy students, and to support the effective use of technology. Title IVA funds are used to support implementation of Culturally Responsive Social Emotional Learning, to support the Sitka Sound Science Center's Scientists In Schools program, and to support implementation of a new Student Information System.
Title VI "Indian" Education
About 31% of Sitka students are Tribally enrolled, qualifying the District to receive Title VI funding. This funding is used to support the academic achievement of Native students, through our cultural programming.
Education for Homeless Children
Students who do not have fixed, regular, adequate nighttime lodging are eligible for additional support to help them succeed in school. Contact Ryan Haug at (907) 966-6526 to discuss your student's needs. The SSD Homeless liaison is Chris Voron, 907-966-1764.
Sitka School District ESSA Plan
Sitka School District Consolidated Application for Federal Program Funding