The Sitka School District provides comprehensive educational services through the Special Education Department to all children ages 3-21 who experience and have additional needs beyond those which generally can be met by the regular classroom program. The District has adopted the Special Education Handbook developed by the Alaska State Department of Education and Early Development and follows those regulations.
The special education programs for qualifying children are cooperatively developed by an Individualized Education Plan Team including the parent as a contributing member of the team. These teams make every effort to provide the appropriate special education program to the child in a setting as close to his/her normal classroom as possible. In addition to providing the necessary special education services, related services such as speech therapy, which are necessary to the student’s school success, are provided as an integral part of the child’s school program.
A specific curriculum for Special Education is not identified as the program is based on individual student needs.
Please direct questions regarding records requests to (907)966-1757 or email
Please direct questions regarding special education services, child find screenings, or special education evaluation to (907) 966-1764 or email to