As a school district, we have a responsibility to help teachers and students learn how to use technology responsibly. Specifically, as a condition of receiving E-Rate funds, the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act requires districts to provide education regarding appropriate online behavior including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and cyberbullying awareness and response. (FYI - E-Rate equates to about $150,000 for us.)
The framework for the Sitka School District's use of technology as a learning and teaching tool stems from the following School Board Guiding Principle - The Board will implement a technology supported educational program that promotes creativity, individualism and diversity. Additionally, the SSD Technology Committee has adopted the following Mission Statement - To provide the SSD learning community with universal access to a dynamic learning environment. The SSD Technology Committee has been examining ways to best implement a district-wide student education program regarding digital safety, and they developed Tech Guidelines that are displayed on a poster - Poster.
Digital Safety was identified as the Friday Professional Learning topic for October 7th. During this time, teachers explored the Sitka School District Tech Guidelines in the context of various technology applications (e.g., Minecraft in Education, Full STEAM Ahead Mobile Makerspace Cart, Office 365, etc.). If you were not able to attend this session, then it is your responsibility to explore the following resources and report back to your principal when you have done so.
Common Sense Media:
Digital Literacy and Citizenship Classroom Curriculum:
Classroom Posters:
Educator Programs: