Parents, Welcome to Canvas!

A request parents shared during the SSD strategic planning process was that you wanted one, district-wide software application to monitor your students’ academic progress, rather than different ones at different schools.

By parent request and for the first time, SSD now has one, single program where you can track grades, assignments, and academic progress for all your students.

Whether you have students in Xóots Elementary School, Keet Gooshi Heen, REACH, Blatchley, Pacific, or Sitka High, you can now log in using Canvas to monitor your students’ academic progress.

The parents and team who selected Canvas appreciated its ease of use and navigation, accessibility, and completeness of information. When you log in to Canvas, you’re able to access lessons, assignments, class announcements, and grades. You can also message teachers directly from Canvas.

In SSD, we know and value the importance of parent and guardian involvement in students’ education. Canvas is another tool to support the vital partnership between families and schools in students’ learning. We hope you’ll log in frequently via our website. There is also a Canvas app available for iPhone and Android operating systems.

To learn more about Canvas, click here.

Helpful Links From Canvas



Announcements Redesign



Course Navigation


Global Navigation





Profile and User Settings
